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  1. Cira, M., Pratika, N., Kubiatko, L., Hung, W., Jones, A., & Jay, J. A. “Fate and
    Transport of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Natural
    and Urbanized Coastal Watersheds in Los Angeles.” (poster) AGU Meeting, 9 – 13
    December 2024, Washington, DC.

  2. Callejas, I. A., Hung, W., Cira, M., Cason, T., Masikip, A., Singh, A., Jones, A. C., &
    Jay, J. A. “The Influence of Land Use and Water Reclamation Plants on Fecal Indicator
    Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance in the Los Angeles River Watershed.” (oral) AGU
    Meeting, 12 – 16 December 2022, Chicago, IL.

  3. Cira, M., Bafna, A., Lee, C. M., Kong, Y., Holt, B., Ginger, L., ... & Jay, J. A. “Turbidity and fecal indicator bacteria in recreational marine waters increase following the 2018 Woolsey Fire”. (oral) Ocean Sciences Meeting, 27 February – 4 March 2022, Remote.

  4. Whitener, V., Cira, M., Hung, W., Callejas, I., Menczer, M., Mendoza Espinoza, L., &
    Jay, J. A. “Reclaimed Water as a Source of Antibiotic Resistance in Agricultural Soil,
    Northern Mexico.” (poster) Ford Conference, 9 – 10 October 2020, Remote.

  5. Cira, M., Callejas, I., Echeverria-Palencia, C., & Jay, J. A. “Antibiotic Resistance Gene
    Quantities in Commercially Available Garden Products.” (poster) Ford Conference, 3 –
    5 October 2019, San Juan, PR.

  6. Cira, M., Callejas, I., Echeverria-Palencia, C., & Jay, J. A. “Antibiotic Resistance Gene
    Quantities in Commercially Available Garden Products.” (poster) American Chemical
    Society National Meeting, 25 – 29 August 2019, San Diego, CA.

  7. Echeverria-Palencia, C., Thulsiraj, V., Tran, N., Ericksen, C., Melendez, I., Sanchez,
    M., Walpert, D., Yuan, T., Ficara, E., Senthilkumar, N., Hernandez-Cira, M.,
    Gamboa, D., Haro, H., Paulson, S., and Zhu, Y., & Jay, J. “Disparate antibiotic resistance gene levels revealed across four major cities in California: A survey in

  8. drinking water, air, and soil at 24 public parks.” (oral) American Chemical Society
    National Meeting, 2 – 6 April 2017, San Francisco, CA.


Marisol Cira, PhD​




Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2023

M.S. Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2019

B.S. Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2018


Current Research

​Antibiotic resistance in engineered water systems​



  1. Callejas, I. A., Kong, Y., Osborn, K., Hung, W. C., Cira, M., Cason, T., ... & Jay, J. A. (2024). The influence of urbanization and water reclamation plants on fecal indicator
    bacteria and antibiotic resistance in the Los Angeles River watershed: A case study with complementary monitoring methods. Science of The Total Environment, 957, 177577.

  2.  Callejas, I. A., Huang, L., Cira, M., Croze, B., Lee, C. M., Cason, T., ... & Jay, J. A. (2023). Use of Google Earth Engine for Teaching Coding and Monitoring of Environmental Change: A Case Study among STEM and Non-STEM Students.
    Sustainability, 15(15), 11995.

  3. Ghavanloughajar, M., Borthakur, A., Cira, M., Jay, J., Stenstrom, M. K., & Mohanty, S. K. (2023). Adding a Submerged Layer to the Stormwater Biofilter Design Could Increase Antibiotic Resistance Genes Concentration in the Effluent. Journal of
    Environmental Engineering, 149(7), 06023001.

  4. Cira, M., Bafna, A., Lee, C. M., Kong, Y., Holt, B., Ginger, L., ... & Jay, J. A. (2022). Turbidity and fecal indicator bacteria in recreational marine waters increase following
    the 2018 Woolsey Fire. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2428.

  5. Cira, M.*, Echeverria-Palencia, C. M.*, Callejas, I., Jimenez, K., Herrera, R., Hung, W. C., ... & Jay, J. A. (2021). Commercially available garden products as important sources of antibiotic resistance genes—a survey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 43507-43514.

  6. Hung, W. C., Hernandez-Cira, M., Jimenez, K., Elston, I., & Jay, J. A. (2018). Preliminary assessment of lead concentrations in topsoil of 100 parks in Los Angeles, California. Applied Geochemistry, 99, 13-21.

  7. Echeverria-Palencia, C. M., Thulsiraj, V., Tran, N., Ericksen, C. A., Melendez, I., Sanchez, M. G., ... & Jay, J. A. (2017). Disparate antibiotic resistance gene quantities revealed across 4 major cities in California: a survey in drinking water, air, and soil at
    24 public parks. ACS omega, 2(5), 2255-2263.


*contributed equally to this work


Fun Facts 

Marisol enjoys running, dancing, and cooking!

920 Downey Way. BHE 221
Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southern California
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