Cira, M., Pratika, N., Kubiatko, L., Hung, W., Jones, A., & Jay, J. A. “Fate and
Transport of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Natural
and Urbanized Coastal Watersheds in Los Angeles.” (poster) AGU Meeting, 9 – 13
December 2024, Washington, DC. -
Callejas, I. A., Hung, W., Cira, M., Cason, T., Masikip, A., Singh, A., Jones, A. C., &
Jay, J. A. “The Influence of Land Use and Water Reclamation Plants on Fecal Indicator
Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance in the Los Angeles River Watershed.” (oral) AGU
Meeting, 12 – 16 December 2022, Chicago, IL. -
Cira, M., Bafna, A., Lee, C. M., Kong, Y., Holt, B., Ginger, L., ... & Jay, J. A. “Turbidity and fecal indicator bacteria in recreational marine waters increase following the 2018 Woolsey Fire”. (oral) Ocean Sciences Meeting, 27 February – 4 March 2022, Remote.
Whitener, V., Cira, M., Hung, W., Callejas, I., Menczer, M., Mendoza Espinoza, L., &
Jay, J. A. “Reclaimed Water as a Source of Antibiotic Resistance in Agricultural Soil,
Northern Mexico.” (poster) Ford Conference, 9 – 10 October 2020, Remote. -
Cira, M., Callejas, I., Echeverria-Palencia, C., & Jay, J. A. “Antibiotic Resistance Gene
Quantities in Commercially Available Garden Products.” (poster) Ford Conference, 3 –
5 October 2019, San Juan, PR. -
Cira, M., Callejas, I., Echeverria-Palencia, C., & Jay, J. A. “Antibiotic Resistance Gene
Quantities in Commercially Available Garden Products.” (poster) American Chemical
Society National Meeting, 25 – 29 August 2019, San Diego, CA. -
Echeverria-Palencia, C., Thulsiraj, V., Tran, N., Ericksen, C., Melendez, I., Sanchez,
M., Walpert, D., Yuan, T., Ficara, E., Senthilkumar, N., Hernandez-Cira, M.,
Gamboa, D., Haro, H., Paulson, S., and Zhu, Y., & Jay, J. “Disparate antibiotic resistance gene levels revealed across four major cities in California: A survey in -
drinking water, air, and soil at 24 public parks.” (oral) American Chemical Society
National Meeting, 2 – 6 April 2017, San Francisco, CA.
Marisol Cira, PhD​
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2023
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2019
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of California Los Angeles, 2018
Current Research
​Antibiotic resistance in engineered water systems​
Callejas, I. A., Kong, Y., Osborn, K., Hung, W. C., Cira, M., Cason, T., ... & Jay, J. A. (2024). The influence of urbanization and water reclamation plants on fecal indicator
bacteria and antibiotic resistance in the Los Angeles River watershed: A case study with complementary monitoring methods. Science of The Total Environment, 957, 177577. -
Callejas, I. A., Huang, L., Cira, M., Croze, B., Lee, C. M., Cason, T., ... & Jay, J. A. (2023). Use of Google Earth Engine for Teaching Coding and Monitoring of Environmental Change: A Case Study among STEM and Non-STEM Students.
Sustainability, 15(15), 11995. -
Ghavanloughajar, M., Borthakur, A., Cira, M., Jay, J., Stenstrom, M. K., & Mohanty, S. K. (2023). Adding a Submerged Layer to the Stormwater Biofilter Design Could Increase Antibiotic Resistance Genes Concentration in the Effluent. Journal of
Environmental Engineering, 149(7), 06023001. -
Cira, M., Bafna, A., Lee, C. M., Kong, Y., Holt, B., Ginger, L., ... & Jay, J. A. (2022). Turbidity and fecal indicator bacteria in recreational marine waters increase following
the 2018 Woolsey Fire. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2428. -
Cira, M.*, Echeverria-Palencia, C. M.*, Callejas, I., Jimenez, K., Herrera, R., Hung, W. C., ... & Jay, J. A. (2021). Commercially available garden products as important sources of antibiotic resistance genes—a survey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 43507-43514.
Hung, W. C., Hernandez-Cira, M., Jimenez, K., Elston, I., & Jay, J. A. (2018). Preliminary assessment of lead concentrations in topsoil of 100 parks in Los Angeles, California. Applied Geochemistry, 99, 13-21.
Echeverria-Palencia, C. M., Thulsiraj, V., Tran, N., Ericksen, C. A., Melendez, I., Sanchez, M. G., ... & Jay, J. A. (2017). Disparate antibiotic resistance gene quantities revealed across 4 major cities in California: a survey in drinking water, air, and soil at
24 public parks. ACS omega, 2(5), 2255-2263.
*contributed equally to this work
Fun Facts
Marisol enjoys running, dancing, and cooking!