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Christelle Sawaya



Shweir, Lebanon



M.S Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lebanese American University, 2022
B.E Civil Engineering, Lebanese American University, 2019


Degree In Progress 

Ph.D. Environmental Engineering 


Current Research



  1. Sawaya, C., El Khoury, C., Ramadan, L., Deeb, R., & Harb, M. (2022). Effects of influent municipal wastewater microbial community and antibiotic resistance gene profiles on the anaerobic membrane bioreactor effluent. Water reuse and Desalination.

  2. Sawaya, C., Ramadan, L., El Khoury, C., Al-Alam, J., Wazne, M., & Harb, M. (2022). Targeted pressure-based development of membrane biofilms improves anaerobic membrane bioreactor effluent quality. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

  3. Harb, M., Zarei-Baygi, A., Wang, P., Sawaya, C. B., McCurry, D. L., Stadler, L. B., and Smith, A. L. (2021). Antibiotic transformation in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor linked to membrane biofilm microbial activity. Environmental Research, Vol. 200, Art. 111456.

  4. Sawaya, C.B. and Harb, M. (2021) Considering the Prospect of Utilizing Anaerobic Membrane Biofouling Layers Advantageously for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 3., Art. 642280.

  5. Harb, M., Ermer, N., Sawaya, C. B., and Smith, A. L. (2020). Increased applied voltage in the presence of GAC enhances microbial activity and methane production during anaerobic digestion of food waste. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, Vol. 6, Iss. 3, Pages 737-746.


Conference Presentations

  1. Sawaya, C.B., Ramadan, L., Al-Alam, J., Wazne, M., and Harb, M. (2021) Effect of Membrane Biofilms and Transmembrane Velocity in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor on Effluent Quality and Dissolved Methane. Microbial Ecology in Water Engineering and Biofilms (MEWE) Conference (virtual), Delft, Netherlands (platform presentation)

  2. Sawaya, C., Ramadan, L., El Khoury, C., Al-Alam, J., Wazne, M., & Harb, M. (2022). Targeted pressure-based development of membrane biofilms improves anaerobic membrane bioreactor effluent quality. 17th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion (AD17), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (platform presentation)


Fun Facts 

Christelle enjoys exploring hidden gems through hikes and road trips. She also likes to have frozen yogurt and cookies for dinner!

920 Downey Way. BHE 221
Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southern California
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