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Dr. Syeed Md Iskander


Where is he now?

Assistant Professor

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND



Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2019

M.S. Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, 2014

B.S. Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 2012


Research while at USC

Sustainable Solid Waste Management: Food waste treatment; Landfill leachate treatment


Environmental Health: Disinfection byproducts;  Emerging contaminants; Antibiotic resistance genes


Environmental Biotechnology: Anaerobic membrane biotechnology; Bioelectrochemical systems


Water-Energy Nexus: Forward osmosis; Membrane distillation; Membrane fabrication; Advanced oxidation


Publications (through time at USC)

  1. Xu, B., Iskander, S.M., He, Z., 2020. Dominant Formation of Unregulated Disinfection By-Products during Electrocoagulation Treatment of Landfill Leachate. Under Review.

  2. Iskander, S., Zeng, T., Smiley, E., Bolyard, S., Novak, J.T. and He, Z.* (2019) Formation of disinfection byproducts during Fenton’s oxidation of chloride-rich landfill leachate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 382, 121213  link

  3. Iskander, S., Novak, J.T. and He, Z.* (2018) Reduction of reagent requirements and sludge generation in Fenton’s oxidation of landfill leachate by synergistically incorporating forward osmosis and humic acid recovery. Water Research, 151, 310-317 link

  4. Iskander, S., Zhao, R.*, Pathak, A., Gupta, A., Pruden, A., Novak, J.T. and He, Z.* (2018) A review of landfill leachate induced ultraviolet quenching substances: sources, characteristics, and treatment. Water Research, Vol 145, pp 297-311 link

  5. Iskander, S., Novak, J.T. and He, Z.* (2018). Enhancing forward osmosis water recovery from landfill leachate by desalinating brine and recovering ammonia in a microbial desalination cell. Bioresource Technology, Vol 255, pp 276-282 link

  6. Iskander, S., Brazil, B., Novak, J. and He, Z.* (2017). Simultaneous Energy Generation and UV Quenchers Removal from Landfill Leachate Using a Microbial Fuel Cell. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, link

  7. Iskander, S., Brazil, B., Novak, J. and He, Z.* (2017). Percarbonate Oxidation of Landfill Leachate towards Removal of Ultraviolet Quenchers. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, link

  8. Iskander, S., Zou, S., Brazil, B., Novak, J. and He, Z.* (2017). Energy Consumption by Forward Osmosis Treatment of Landfill Leachate for Water Recovery. Waste Management, Vol 63, pp 284-291 link 

  9. Iskander, S., Brazil, B., Novak, J. and He, Z.* (2016). Resource recovery from landfill leachate using bioelectrochemical systems: opportunities, challenges, and perspectives. Bioresource Technology. Vol 201, pp 347-354 link

  10. Iskander, S. (2016). A Broader Perspective of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Dhaka, Bangladesh. ISWA-SWIS Winter School Proceedings, pp 107-118 link



Conference Presentations

Oral Presentations

  1. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., He, Z. Reduction of reagent requirements and sludge generation in Fenton’s oxidation of landfill leachate by synergistically incorporating forward osmosis and humic acid recovery. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) conference, Tempe, AZ, May 2019.

  2. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., He, Z. An Integrated forward osmosis – microbial desalination cell technique for enhanced water recovery from landfill leachate. Annual Alpha Epsilon Honor Society research symposium, Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering Department, Virginia Tech, VA, March 2019

  3. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., He, Z. Reduction in required reagents and sludge generation in Fenton’s oxidation of landfill leachate through forward osmosis and humic acid recovery. 35th Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) symposium, Virginia Tech, VA, March 2019.

  4. Iskander, S.M. Advanced oxidation for wastewater treatment. Annual Virginia Tech Wastewater Operator Short School, Blacksburg, VA, August 2018.

  5. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Simultaneous energy generation and ultraviolet quenchers removal from landfill leachate using a microbial fuel cell. Global Waste Management Symposium, Palm Springs, CA, February 2018.

  6. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. An Integrated forward osmosis – microbial desalination cell technique for enhanced water recovery from landfill leachate. EREF WasteExpo, New Orleans, LA, May 2017.

  7. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Integrating microbial desalination with forward osmosis to complement water recovery from landfill leachate. 33rd Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) symposium, Virginia Tech, VA, March 2017.

  8. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Pretreatment of landfill leachate for enhanced electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell. 32nd Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) symposium, Virginia Tech, VA, March 2016.


Poster Presentations​

  1. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. An Integrated forward osmosis – microbial desalination cell technique for enhanced water recovery from landfill leachate. Eighth annual CEE research day, Virginia Tech, VA, April 2018.

  2. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., He, Z. Enhancing the recovery of humic acids from landfill leachate using forward osmosis and its application in the Fenton’s oxidation of Benzene. 34th Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) symposium, Virginia Tech, VA, March 2018.

  3. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. An Integrated forward osmosis – microbial desalination cell technique for enhanced water recovery from landfill leachate. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) conference, Ann Arbor, MI, June 2017.

  4. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Peroxygen oxidation towards understanding the ultraviolet quenchers transformation in landfill leachate. Borchardt conference, Ann Arbor, MI, February 2017.

  5. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Recovery of organics and water from landfill leachate. WaterJam conference, Virginia Beach, VA, September 2016.

  6. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Oxidation pretreatment of landfill leachate for enhanced electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell. Air and Waste Management Association (A&WMA) Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2016.

  7. Iskander, S.M., Novak, J.T., Brazil, B., He, Z. Resource recovery from landfill leachate using bioelectrochemical systems. Sixth annual CEE research day, Virginia Tech, VA, April 2016.

  8. Zha, Q., Iskander, S.M., He, Z. Nitrification of landfill leachate for ammonia removal and effects of inhibiting factors on biomass growth. Sixth annual CEE research day, Virginia Tech, VA, April 2016.


Fun Facts 

You can learn more about Syeed in his personal website!

920 Downey Way. BHE 221
Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southern California
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